A Journal for The Contemporary Church

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Handshakes of God


It is often said that we do not reflect on the true value of something until it is no longer there. A good example of this is the handshake, that is taken from us in these Covid-19 times. Taken for granted for so long, we now miss it so much in a variety of situations. It had become a universal expression of good will in human encounters at so many different levels. Where people meet it is (or was!) used in greeting , congratulating, sympathising, expressing friendship, and initiating business in commercial, social and political human interactions. To an alien from space seeing it for the first time, the handshake might seem a strange mechanical physical act empty of meaning. But in many cultures, engrained on the human psyche through practice over countless generations, it has become for so many peoples, the natural way to greet each other when meeting.

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