A Journal for The Contemporary Church

New and Back Issues

The Furrow April 2016


Kevin EganBeing a Priest
Eamonn ConwayPope Francis and Young People
Michael H. Crosby, OFM.CapImaging God in Sex and Marriage
Helena O'DoonoghueMercy
Vincent Travers, OPProtecting Children
̶ Safeguarding Standards Revised
Patrick O’HaganHomilies for May (C)
Kevin O’Gorman, SMAThe US Bishops on Pornography
News and Views
David BrackenA Missed Opportunity
Featured Review
Enda McDonaghReforming the Church
New Books
Patrick Fintan Lyons, OSBIreland and Vatican II
Michael McCullagh, CMThe Sublime Round Tower
Dermot FenlonJohn Henry Newman
ISSN 0016-3120© The Furrow Trust