The Week of the Passion
Holy week is with us once again. The full moon in the sky these nights is the age-old herald of Easter. Through the forty days of Lent the Church has set her face towards Jerusalem, the place of the blessed Passion, and now during the next few days, she unfolds, prayerfully and reverently, the great mystery of our Redemption. Christ spoke of this time, these days when His mission was fulfilled, as His Hour. “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? Father save me from this hour. But for this purpose have I come unto this hour” (John 12:27). These words bring us very near to the heart of Christ. They have the ring of His personal and characteristic accent. If we are to accompany Christ to Calvary it is not enough to see or imagine to ourselves the external events merely, we must know the mind and heart of Him who suffered and see the external events from out that mind and heart.