A Journal for The Contemporary Church

New and Back Issues

Vision and Vocation of the Family in Amoris Laetitia


The following paper is structured in three parts:
1. Today’s profound changes in the field of marriage and family: how can and should we react to them?
2. What vision and good news has the Church to offer to spouses and families?
3. What gift do spouses and families offer to the whole Church and what is their specific vocation within the Church and for the World?

1. Today’s profound changes in the field of marriage and family

There is no doubt that Western societies are currently experiencing major changes in the field of marriage and family. The realities of familial relations and models are becoming more and more
diversified. The traditional family consisting of a woman and a man, who are married, procreate and educate their own children, seems, in reality, to have become a minority experience.